“A single conversation across the table with a wise man is better than ten years’ mere study of books”
—Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Social Media
Social marketing has been around since long before Al Gore created the Internet. It’s all about conversation, really – personalized engagement — talking about what you’re selling, and getting current and future buyers talking about it too. And folks have been doing that at conventions, trade shows, meetings, sales presentations, in-store demonstrations, and even going door to door, for a very long time.
But social media sites make social marketing a lot easier and potentially very effective. In fact, it has become an essential part of any comprehensive marketing program, be it B2C or B2B.
At Bulldog, we use a variety of different social media applications such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn and others to: strengthen customer brand engagement; grow prospect bases; assist the efforts of sales and distribution; and connect with an ever-expanding list of media outlets (particularly digital media outlets and blog-sites). We produce strategic social media campaigns that engage your target market, promote conversation, and deliver measurable results.
Bulldog Communications’ Social Media Marketing services include, but are not limited to:
- Social media strategy and implementation
- Facebook page creation, including design, Cover Photo selection/creation and “about” page writing
- Facebook timeline regularly scheduled posts
- Facebook strategic calendar of posts
- Twitter page creation, including design, 160 character company description, etc.
- Twitter regularly scheduled tweets
- Twitter strategic calendar of tweets
- Building up your list of Twitter followers with key industry editors, writers, bloggers, analysts, etc.
- Setting up your company’s LinkedIn profile platform
- Posting company news on your LinkedIn page
- Targeting, joining and participating in relevant LinkedIn groups
- Creation of customized YouTube channel to house your media
- Populating YouTube page with existing and new videos
- Embedding and integrating your videos with your website and other marketing materials
- If appropriate, producing regularly scheduled posts for other social media sites such as Pinterest, Tumblr, etc.